2024 Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith Reunion Highlights

2024 Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith Family Reunion in Salt Lake City, Utah – West High School –Service Project for Utah Food Bank

2024 Reunion Links:

Reunion Schedule

Reunion Program

Thursday, August 1 – Registration – Meet and Greet

Thursday Reunion Recap

Daguerreotype and Forensic Information

Joseph Brickey and Dan Larsen unveiling an image of Joseph Smith using forensic science and daguerreotype

Friday, August 2 – Reunion Events

Family Visits to the Church History Museum and Church History Library

Fireside with Brad Wilcox

Saturday, August 3 – Events

Reunion Group Photo and Lunch Memories

Alex Boye – Speaking and Singing

Service Project

2024 Joseph Smith Sr. Family Reunion Service Project

Sunday, August 4 – Music and the Spoken Word

Sunday Memories

Last Call for Registrations – Register by July 24th

We are excited about the Smith Family Reunion in Salt Lake City. We have arranged to learn more about the exciting research on the recently found Joseph Smith Daguerreotype. We will be the first group to learn about the new research. Do not miss this opening session.

At the Church History Museum, we will have the privilege of seeing some of the recently acquired Smith Family items. This will be followed by private sessions on selected treasured Smith Family letters and papers at the Church History Library. These are not just historical artifacts, but part of our family’s legacy. Click the links to learn the locations of the two facilities. We are excited to hear some inspiring words from Brad Wilcox.

At each reunion, we come together to serve. This year, we have a special project. We are purchasing 7,000 boxes of Macaroni & Cheese that we will set up in a domino fashion in the West High School Gym. We will pass the boxes from person to person, creating a human chain of helping hands that will stretch from the gym to the truck. This act of service will not only be fun but will also make a significant impact as we donate the food to the Utah Food Bank. The Samuel Smith family is preparing for an amazing luncheon and needs to know if you’ll be there. For that reason, we ask you to register before July 24. We are also looking forward to having the best smiles in the largest family photo.

  • 2024 Smith Family Registration by July 24 only $20 per person
  • 2024 Smith Family Registration after July 24 $30 per person
License for Joseph Smith Sr 9 June 1830 from JosephSmithPapers.org – Used by permission.

2024 Reunion Schedule

2024 Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith Family Reunion Children’s Book

Helping Hands – It’s What We Do

The reunion logo represents Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith’s family tree. The leaves, shaped like hands and in seven colors, represent the seven children with posterity on the earth today. Listed in birth order – Hyrum, Joseph Jr., Samuel, William, Katharine, Don Carlos, and Lucy. All the hands represent us today.

The t-shirt will only be on sale a short time. July 8th is the last day to order t-shirts. Here is the link to order t-shirts.

You will need to pick up your shirts. Mailing the shirts will not be available. No orders will be taken at the reunion.

Karl Anderson taught at a previous reunion in Nauvoo, as you draw close to our Savior, you will grow close to Joseph, Hyrum, and each of the other children of Joseph Sr. and Lucy Mack. He said, “I know that the work they tried to do is establish firmly the restoration of God’s Kingdom on earth. … That is what they were all about. It is true. It came from heaven through the Smith family.”

The Smith Family service project is raising awareness of food insecurity in Utah and donations will go to the Utah Food Bank. Our hope is to follow the counsel to “look to the poor and the needy, and administer to their relief” – Doctrine and Covenants 38:35 . Donate for the Service Project Here.

If you have already registered for the reunion but would like t-shirts, please go back to the Reunion Registration page and order there.

In 1863, Joseph III said he could see “…the dawning of a day when the sons of our fathers will stand shoulder to shoulder…as stood our fathers in bygone days.”

Come join together with cousins connecting generations, renewing and growing memories together.

Smith Family Helping Hands – It’s What We Do

August 1-4, 2024 the Smith Family is holding the Bi-Annual Reunion in Salt Lake City, UT.

Social Hall Meetinghouse by Intellectual Reserve.

On Thursday, August 1, 2024, the registration and the traditional “Meet and Greet” will take place at a unique chapel on Social Hall Avenue in Salt Lake City. You must register for the reunion to receive nametags, which must be picked up on Thursday to use throughout the reunion. New findings from the research on the Joseph Smith Daguerreotype will be presented, and the Smith Family 2024 scholarship winners will also be announced.

Thursday, August 1 Smith Family Meet and Greet
110 East Social Hall Avenue, Salt Lake City, UT
5:00 – 6:30 pmRegistration
7:00 – 8:30 pmGreeting Meeting
Church History Museum

On Friday, August 2, 2024, the family will gather at the Church History Museum at 9:00 a.m. for a private viewing hour before the general public. This is a great opportunity to see Smith Family memorabilia from this interactive “The Heavens Are Opened” exhibit.

Friday, August 2, Smith Family Memorabilia Tour
Church History Museum
45 North West Temple Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84150
9:00 – 10:00 amPrivate Tours for the Smith Family
Church History Library

The Church History Library will have selected Smith Family documents pulled from the archives specifically for our family to view. To maintain the proper environment for these papers, we will view them in groups of thirty people at a time.

Friday, August 2 Smith Family Memorabilia Tour
Church History Library
15 E North Temple Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84150
30-minute intervalsPrivate Tours for the Smith Family
Registered attendees will be sent a link for sign-ups.
Photo of Brad Wilcox speaking at the Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith Family Reunion Devotional, Conference Center Little Theater, 2018

Friday night, our family will enjoy a devotional with a speaker who is back by popular request, Brad Wilcox. This meeting will also be held at the Social Hall Meetinghouse.

Friday, August 2 Smith Family Meet and Greet
110 East Social Hall Avenue, Salt Lake City, UT
7:00 – 8:30 pmSmith Family Devotional

Saturday, August 3, 2024, The Smith Family service project is raising awareness of food insecurity in Utah, and donations will go to the Utah Food Bank. Our hope is to follow the counsel to “look to the poor and the needy, and administer to their relief…” – Doctrine and Covenants 38:35. During the service project, our family will have a competition and divide into groups to build creative structures. Standing shoulder to shoulder, we will load the donation items into the Utah Food Bank truck. Our family photo will be taken in the bleachers, and we will eat lunch in the cafeteria.

Saturday, August 3 West High School
241 N 300 W, Salt Lake City, UT 84103
10:00 am –
4:00 pm
Smith Family Activities, Service Project, Luncheon, and Social
Photo credit: https://west.slcschools.org/

Sunday, August 4, 2024, we will attend the Music and the Spoken Word with the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square.

Sunday, August 4 Conference Center 60 North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 84150
9:00 am –
10:00 am
Meet 30 minutes before the 9:30 program

Reunion Registration is now open: Registration Link.

See What Family Can Do Together

Before and after photos of William Jasper Harris and Martha Ann Smith Harris’ grave in the Provo Cemetery.

Hyrum Smith’s youngest daughter, Martha Ann Smith Harris’, Headstone in Provo Cemetery Began Deteriorating

Last year, the outside sandstone base began flaking off and a horizontal crack developed running through the base and along a sandstone layer. To eliminate the possibility of the top pieces of the headstone from toppling and being damaged, a new granite base was installed.

The original sandstone base was placed 114 years ago following William’s passing. William’s passing was caused by being hit by a buggy that was racing down Center Street in Provo. Over the years, time and weather have been eroding the beautiful sandstone base.

Restored Headstone for Martha Ann Smith Harris and her husband, William Jasper Harris – Provo Cemetery

The Smith Family appreciates this work that was spearheaded by a William Jasper Harris and Martha Ann Smith Harris family member. Thanks to all who contributed to help purchase this beautiful new base. Many more also wished to contribute but the needed amount had already been donated. Please know that your desire to donate was also very much appreciated.

With M. Russell Ballard’s passing…

As we give honor to the life and legacy of President M. Russell Ballard, our thoughts turn to his love of family, ancestors, and the younger generations of Smiths. In addition to focusing on beautifying the Family Cemetery, he was the driving force behind gathering our family. He was especially intent on seeing that the Family Association focuses on having the younger generations get to know their ancestors and their sacrifices to establish the latter-day dispensation. This is evident in efforts such as student scholarships, reunion activities and online programs. We propose that in lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Joseph Smith Sr and Lucy Mack Smith Family Association.

Mail: c/o Frances Orton
381 W 3700 N
Provo UT 84604

Or use the link posted on josephsmithsr.org to pay online.


We all mourn his passing; however, we rejoice in his long life of sacrifice and service in building the Kingdom.

Solomon Mack Family Grave Dedication

Gilsum, New Hampshire – September 16, 2023

President Gary Gustafson welcoming all assembled
Historian Kathy Schillemat with the Historical Society of Cheshire County shared some background on Solomon Mack and his family
Solomon Mack (Lucy Mack Smith’s father) Family Burial Row in Gilsum, New Hampshire – Photo by Bryan Davis

Here are the 8 stones we have identified at the Centennial Cemetery in Gilsum–who they are and their relationship to Lucy Mack Smith:

1.  Solomon Mack (b. 1732) – Lucy’s father

2.  Capt. Solomon Mack II (b. 1773) – Lucy’s brother

3.  Esther Hayward Mack (b. 1773), 1st wife of Capt. Solomon Mack II – Lucy’s sister-in-law

4. Betsey Way Alexander Mack (b. 1773), 3rd wife of Capt. Solomon Mack II – Lucy’s sister-in-law

5. Dennis Mack (b. 1809), son of Capt. Solomon Mack II – Lucy’s nephew

6. Amos Mack (b. 1807), son of Capt. Solomon Mack II – Lucy’s nephew

7. Esther Mack (b. 1815), daughter of Capt. Solomon Mack II – Lucy’s niece

8. Chauncey Alexander (b. 1831), daughter of Betsey Way and Jabez Alexander – Lucy’s step nephew

Solomon Mack Family Grave Report

The Macks of Gilsum and Marlow, New Hampshire by Katharine Schillemat

The Mack Family in Gilsum by Rick Nelson

Dedicatory Prayer by Daniel Adams

Smith Family New England Tour – Moroni Day & Solomon Mack Family Graves Dedication

To view the Solomon Mack Family Celebration Videos – click on images below.

Solomon Mack Family Graves Dedication – filmed in Gilsum, New Hampshire – September 16, 2023 – video thanks to Bryan Davis
Lucy Mack Smith Commemoration Video – filmed September 16, 2023 in Nashua, New Hampshire by Bryan Davis

Talk on Lucy Mack Smith given by Margaret Penfield

Solomon Mack Tribute by Matthew Maddox

Lucy Mack Smith Commemoration Report

Solomon Mack Family Graves Background

Gilsum, New Hampshire – May 1996

From an article in the Smith Family Newsletter May 1996 we have a little background on the resting place for Solomon Mack:

“Solomon Mack’s headstone is broken beyond repair!”  This was the message transmitted to our family last year.  The Centennial Cemetery in Gilsum, New Hampshire, is the final resting place of Solomon Mack, Lucy Mack Smith’s father.  Many other Mack family headstones stand there in a row.  Unfortunately, the years have taken their toll on Solomon’s headstone.  Years ago, it was cracked in half.  Someone repaired it by bolting iron supports together which have over the years expanded and intensified the damage.  Two years ago a visitor to the cemetery unintentionally leaned against the headstone and provided further breakage.” 

Solomon Mack by Alchetron
Solomon Mack by Alchetron

“The headstone of Betsy A. Mack, sister-in-law to Lucy Mack Smith was also broken and not repairable.  Through a miraculous set of events, a monument maker and friend of the Smith family, Monte Hendrickson, happened to hear about the damage and volunteered to take additional time on a trip to Vermont to assess what needed to be done.  Monte and his wife, Betty, found the cemetery and concluded that no further repair was possible.  They removed the portion of Solomon’s headstone with the old engraving on it.  They have inset the old engraving into a new headstone which will be erected on Solomon’s grave in June.  They have also made a new headstone for Betsy Mack.  Monte and Betty have generously contributed labor, materials and significant time to honor Solomon and Betsy.  Thank you Monte and Betty for your love of the Smith family and for your selfless service!”

Solomon’s self-published history, “Narrative of the Life of Solomon Mack”, sharing his conversion to Christianity

Solomon Mack Narrative

At the end of Solomon Mack’s Narrative, he says:

“My friends when you read this journal remember your unfortunate friend Solomon Mack, who worried and toiled until an old age, to try to lay up treasures in this world, but the Lord would not suffer me to have it, but now I trust I have treasures laid up that no man can take away, but by the goodness of God through the blood of a bleeding Saviour.”

“Although I am a poor cripple unable to walk much, or even to mount or dismount my horse I hope to serve my God by his assistance to [divine] acceptance, that I may at last leap for joy [to] see his face and hold him fast in my embrace.”

Solomon Mack Family Graves before 2022

Moroni Celebration

Smith Family Home in Palmyra, New York – September 2023 – photos by Joey Orton
Moroni Appears to Joseph Smith in His Room by Tom Lovell

Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of Moroni’s visit to Joseph Smith Jr. – September 21-22, 2023

Smith Family gathered in Palmyra, New York on Thursday, September 14 to produce a video to share as a family, celebrating the 200th Anniversary of Moroni appearing to young Joseph Smith.

The Smith Family is the core family of the restoration. The Prophet Joseph’s work could never have been done by him alone. It became a family responsibility. They not only shared in its glorious events, but they suffered persecution, abuse, imprisonment and even death. All these things seemed to strengthen their testimonies. Each family member believed Joseph’s work was of God. Following is a short, but representative compilation of Book of Mormon testimonies, borne by Smith family members. On the 200th anniversary of Moroni’s first visit to the Prophet Joseph, it is appropriate that we pause and be reminded that each family member knew and testified that it was true. Their testimonies reflect our ancestor’s deep faith and devotion. There are many more that could have been published. There are many, many more that were unspoken. Hopefully, you will become acquainted with their testimonies. Hopefully your children, grandchildren and generations to come will become acquainted with their testimonies. As you learn, teach and share, your testimonies will grow. You will gain a greater appreciation for the price that was paid by the whole Smith family at the beginning of this work. We pray that these testimonies will build our faith and cause us to follow in their footsteps.

Testimonies from the Smith Family of the Book of Mormon

Moroni Celebration Program

Children’s Coloring Page

Moroni Celebration Talk by Daniel Adams

Daniel Adams Power Point

An Angel From On High – arrangement by Claire Nabrotzky

(Add some fun when you sit down to watch the Moroni Celebration by enjoying some angel food cake on golden plates or dishes.)

Recorded Moroni Celebration Link

Scholarship 2023 Winners

Announcements were made during the 200th Anniversary Year of Moroni appearing to Joseph and changing the path of the Smith family. You receive check # 1071 in the amount of $1,000 to be used toward furthering your education goals.

The Joseph Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith Family Association is a tax-exempt 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization. This family Association is involved with outreach, locating and preserving family sites, education, commemorating historical events, and continuing the family’s efforts to publish Joseph’s name for good.