Kirtland, Ohio – August 2 and 4-7

This reunion year actually began earlier with Smith Family Lilac Events leading up to our service project in Ohio.
Under the coordination of Omaha- Bob Smith, Tuesday, August 2, the family gathered at the Winter Quarters Visitor’s Center and enjoyed a dinner together. That evening at the Kanesville Tabernacle fun was had by all watching the play, Come Home to Kanesville. Terry Latey arranged this. At the end of the evening, bread pudding was served to the group.
Thursday, August 4, registration began and the evening followed up with a reunion program.
Friday morning, the family met at the Chapin Forest Reservation (Quarry) and those who desired were able to use the star drill bit of stone mason, Tom Rice. We all learned first hand the skill required to cut stone. Vivian Adams shared Family stories. Bob Smith cooked up a family picnic lunch of hamburgers, salads, and watermelon.
Friday evening, everyone returned cleaned up in their best attire at the Kirtland Temple for a Temple Dedication Reenactment. This night we celebrated 175 years since the dedication.
Saturday we started the day with our family group photo at the John Johnson Home. From there we moved on to our family service project at the Pioneer Trail Girl’s Camp in Hiram, Ohio. Here camp markers were put in place and a Smith lilac bush was planted under Gilda Sundeen’s direction.
That night a family banquet took place in Mayfield Heights, Ohio.
Sunday, August 7, a graveside wreath memorial took place at the Kirtland Cemetery honoring several family members buried here. The family ended with a Sunday service in the Kirtland Temple.
- 2011 Joseph Smith Sr. Family Program
- 2011 Online Agenda
- 2011 Joseph Smith Sr. Newsletter
- August 2, Winter Quarters
- August 4, Registration
- August 5, Stone Quarry and Kirtland Temple Dedication Reenactment
- August 6, Service Project
- August 7, Wreath Memorial and Sunday Meeting
- Hymn’s of The Kirtland Temple Dedication
- Kirtland Temple Hand Embroidery Project by Joy Ercanbrack
- 2011 Sacrament Meeting Program in the Kirtland Temple
- Gracia Jones’ Sunday Talk
- Frances Orton’s Sunday Message
- Mary Duty Smith’s Pocket
- Pattern for Mary Duty Smith’s Pocket
- 2011 Registration Form
- 2011 Children’s Booklet
- 2011 Kirtland Temple Youth Activity
- Smith Lilac History