Due to the size of our group we will be unable to meet in person for our 2020 Vision Celebration. What happens when trials and hard times appear in the Smith Family? They make something great anyway.

We are happy to announce that our scheduled speakers are still preparing and sharing messages to help us enjoy this 2020 Vision Celebration year. The 200th First Vision Anniversary needs to be celebrated by the Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith Family. The family stood by Joseph. They encouraged and supported him in this miraculous event. We need to mark this occasion and strengthen our spiritual and family relationships.
Because we won’t be gathering together physically, we are scheduling this event online for Monday, October 26th, 2020 at 7:00 PM (MDT). What better way to spend a family night than to be gathered together in our smaller family units to honor our ancestors? Mark this on your calendars. The link to watch the YouTube Live 2020 Vision Celebration will be posted here before the event when it is available.

Pancake Meal…. by Candlelight
We can’t sit down at the same table and venue, but we can all sit down with our family before our 2020 Vision Celebration and enjoy a meal the Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith family would have eaten together. Add more fun eating your meal by candlelight.

“There is not enough darkness in all the world to put out the light of even one small candle” – Robert Alden
Place a candle in your window for the week before our event. When your friends ask why you have a candle in the window invite them to join our 2020 Vision Celebration. The candle was often placed in the window when a member of the family was away. A glowing candle in the evening was also placed in the window announcing good news or as an encouragement to tired travelers. Candles also represented friendship and were seen as a sign of welcome to others.
Online Reunion Agenda
Family Activities for Saturday, October 24 and/or Sunday, October 25
Go to the Grove Electronic Time Capsule
(Click the pictures to view video’s below)

Tri-fold print copy of the Reunion Agenda
I look forward to participating in this historic event. I love the Prophet Joseph Smith and I am grateful for his pure faith, his unwavering devotion, and the countless sacrifices he made to bring about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thank you so much to the Ortons for organizing and persevering with this event. We were so sad to have the in person events cancelled but are grateful to have a chance to participate virtually. Thanks for all your efforts! We will love to still be a part of things
I feel like Joseph’s purpose on the earth was to testify of the living Christ. I have often felt one of my purposes on the earth is to testify of Joseph’s testimony of Christ. I believe in the Book of Mormon; it testifies to me and my family of the reality of living prophets and it offers us daily direction and peace in Christ.
Our study of the Book of Mormon this year has strengthened our faith in this amazing gift to the world. In turn, we feel deep gratitude for Joseph Smith, the Lord’s instrument in bringing the Book of Mormon forth. I have also loved reading Jesse N. Smith’s testimony of the Prophet he loved so much.
Looking forward to this!
What a blessing to be part of this amazing heritage, and what a difference it can be in our individual lives. Thank you Orton family for putting so much into making this special for all of us!
I want to see the program again and am having problems finding the correct https: address. will you help. Thanks Gail; Byrd
Click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFD_NK9ThjQ