23 Replies to “Upcoming Reunions”

      1. I just registered my wife and me for this year’s reunion. The information on the website said we’d receive sign up links for the document viewing after we registered. I haven’t received any information about that. How do I go about getting that information?

  1. Could you please direct me to the reistration for this summer’s reunion.

    Thank you,
    Cynthia Davies

  2. I plan to be there. Do we have any news of events, speakers etc yet?

    Thanks for all you do. You are consecrated

  3. Went in to register for the 2024 reunion, and the registration is for the 2022 reunion and is says that it’s closed. How do I regis ter for t he 2024 reunion?

  4. Hi,
    Just wondering where and at what time the reunion will be. I plan on being there,
    Thank You,
    Claudia Sanborn

  5. How do I register for reunion activities and get information on this years reunion.

    1. Sorry it took so long to reply. This is what I show:

      Michael W Smith

      Attendee ID
      Security code
      Attendee information
      Family Branch
      Hyrum Smith
      Purchase information
      Order ID
      June 24, 2024
      Order status
      Reunion 2024 : 11 and above

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