Gilsum, New Hampshire – May 1996
From an article in the Smith Family Newsletter May 1996 we have a little background on the resting place for Solomon Mack:
“Solomon Mack’s headstone is broken beyond repair!” This was the message transmitted to our family last year. The Centennial Cemetery in Gilsum, New Hampshire, is the final resting place of Solomon Mack, Lucy Mack Smith’s father. Many other Mack family headstones stand there in a row. Unfortunately, the years have taken their toll on Solomon’s headstone. Years ago, it was cracked in half. Someone repaired it by bolting iron supports together which have over the years expanded and intensified the damage. Two years ago a visitor to the cemetery unintentionally leaned against the headstone and provided further breakage.”
“The headstone of Betsy A. Mack, sister-in-law to Lucy Mack Smith was also broken and not repairable. Through a miraculous set of events, a monument maker and friend of the Smith family, Monte Hendrickson, happened to hear about the damage and volunteered to take additional time on a trip to Vermont to assess what needed to be done. Monte and his wife, Betty, found the cemetery and concluded that no further repair was possible. They removed the portion of Solomon’s headstone with the old engraving on it. They have inset the old engraving into a new headstone which will be erected on Solomon’s grave in June. They have also made a new headstone for Betsy Mack. Monte and Betty have generously contributed labor, materials and significant time to honor Solomon and Betsy. Thank you Monte and Betty for your love of the Smith family and for your selfless service!”

At the end of Solomon Mack’s Narrative, he says:
“My friends when you read this journal remember your unfortunate friend Solomon Mack, who worried and toiled until an old age, to try to lay up treasures in this world, but the Lord would not suffer me to have it, but now I trust I have treasures laid up that no man can take away, but by the goodness of God through the blood of a bleeding Saviour.”
“Although I am a poor cripple unable to walk much, or even to mount or dismount my horse I hope to serve my God by his assistance to [divine] acceptance, that I may at last leap for joy [to] see his face and hold him fast in my embrace.”