Sarah Milikin owned 3 shawls originally belonging to her grandmother, Lucy Mack Smith. Upon Sarah’s death, the three shawls were found and later given to dear friends and relatives. The first went to her daughter-in-law Jennie Peterson, who eventually donated it to the LDS Church History Museum.
The second went to Jennie’s niece, Kathryn. When Kathryn became very ill, the shawl was given to her youngest sister Helen. Helen sent the shawl to the LDS Church History Museum via some friends.
The third shawl was given to Helen. Before her death she asked her son to safeguard it. Faithful to his promise, in 2005, he returned the shawl to the Joseph Smith Jr. Family.
Large enough to cover a bed, this shawl helped inspire our wish to cover the “Build a Bed†bunk beds with an embroidered coverlet.