A Miracle

Dr. Nathan Smith was in the right place, at the right time, with the right experience, and right fortitude.

Dr. Nathan SmithThis was, after all, 1813, in the most rural area of New Hampshire. The infection in Joseph’s bone (osteomyelitis) followed in the wake of an epidemic of typhoid fever that affected all the Smith children. In those days and up until the discovery of antibiotics in this century, osteomyelitis was a devastating problem. Since the days of Hippocrates of ancient Greece, the standard method of treatment had been the simple application of poultices and plasters to the inflamed flesh. This had little effect: when infection occurs in the bone, long segments of the bony shaft die, and the body, growing new bone, encases the dead material within a living layer. Inevitably, the dead bone separates and lies in the center of an abscess cavity, draining continuously or spreading infection to other parts of the body, resulting in death. Usually in the late stages the leg had to be amputated.

Read the full article written by Dr. Le Roy S. Wirthlin about Nathan Smith here:

Giving Back

Our ancestor gave so much for all of us, give so we can help each other!

This is the time of year when giving and gratitude are on the mind and in the heart. Many of us look for organizations to make a donation to during the holiday season. Please keep the Joseph Smith Sr. Family Association in mind when your family considers making a donation to an organization this year. Your donation helps us keep in contact with each other and send a yearly printed newsletter. No donation is too small and every penny counts! All of the funds donated to the family organization go directly to support ongoing activities and newsletters. We are grateful to everyone who has helped us achieve our mission to serve the Smith family. Thank you for your continued support.

Donate Online Now!
Or by Mail:
Mail Checks or Money Orders to:
Joseph Smith Sr. Family Association
c/o Frances Orton
381 W 3700 N
Provo, UT 84604

The Joseph Smith Sr. Family Association will also accepts donations of race volunteer thank you’s, prizes for families attending our 5K fun run, office supplies, technology, and of course, we always welcome volunteers.

A Great Opportunity to Dig Family History

The “I Dig Nauvoo” team would like to announce the archaeological project being conducted next year from May 28, 2013 to June 28, 2013. We will be working on the site of the Joseph Smith, Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith home in Nauvoo, Illinois. This home was located just south of the Mansion House across Water Street.

Please stay tuned as we finalize all of the details for this exciting project in 2013. If you have any questions about the project, please contact Bob Smith at bob@idignauvoo.com.

You can also go to: I Dig Nauvoo at http://idignauvoo.com/.

Joseph Smith, Sr. Family Reunion – 2013

Register for the Reunion

August 1 – 4, 2013, Salt Lake City, Utah

22nd Biennial Reunion
Help our family set a world record!

  • This is the Place Heritage Park.
  • Historic buildings to explore.
  • Youth & Children’s activities:
    panning for gold, pony rides, petting, corral, train rides, etc.

  • Admission to the park included with reunion registration.

Thursday, August 1 – Registration will be at the University of Utah LDS Institute located at 1780 East South Campus Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112.

Friday, August 2 – Smith Descendant Gatherings

  • Strengthen the bonds in smaller family groups.
  • See ideas at reunion website.
  • Friday night event for the whole family will be hosted by the Joseph Smith Jr. Family at the Draper Amphitheater, 944 E Vestry Rd, Draper, UT 84020.

Saturday, August 3 – Joseph’s Miracle Run
Our 5K run honors Dr. Nathan Smith, who saved Joseph’s leg from the severe bone infection he suffered when he was just 7 years old. Dr. Smith founded Dartmouth Medical College in Hanover, NH. Proceeds from the run will provide a scholarship in Joseph’s name as a gift of gratitude from our family.

Race registration is already open at www.JosephsMiracleRun.com. What an incredible opportunity to have Joseph’s name be known for good!

The Miracle Run is not just for our family, so invite your neighbors, friends, and associates to participate. There is even an option to not have to run! Think of the legs and feet of your ancestors who have provided you with such a wonderful heritage. It is time to give a payment of gratitude. Participate, invite, and sponsor!

Saturday, August 3 – following Our Family footprints
The hills surrounding This is the Place will help us remember experiences of our Smith ancestors. Did you know that our family traveled nearly 2,000 miles from Palmyra to Harmony, Kirtland and Far West before building beautiful Nauvoo?

Children ages 4 – 11 can participate in group activities to honor Smith family members. Experience walking with crutches like young Joseph, training for Zion’s Camp, and more!

Youth ages 12 – 18 will learn from the Smith’s faith and blessings that followed in a fun morning activity. The children will be divided into age groups and so those are 3 years old or very shy need to be accompanied by a parent.

Adult meetings will include updates to Smith family research and interesting perspectives surrounding the miracle of Joseph’s leg surgery. We’ll honor descendants of Dr. Nathan Smith and hear from our cousin, Elder M. Russell Ballard.

Sunday, August 4 – Music and the Spoken Word
The family is invited to attend a live broadcast of “Music & the Spoken Word” featuring the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Sunday morning. Please meet at Door 4 on the west side of the Conference Center (not the Tabernacle) at 9:00 a.m. Admission is free and limited to those eight years of age and older.

Parking is available in the underground parking at the Conference Center, at no cost.

Stay Connected! Visit today at www.josephsmithsr.org and update your contact information.

2013 – The Largest Family Reunion Ever

If you have not registered yet, please register in person, at the reunion.

Detailed schedule

August 1 – 4, 2013, Salt Lake City, Utah
Help our family set a world record!

  • This is the Place Heritage Park.
  • Historic buildings to explore.
  • Youth & Children’s activities:
    panning for gold, pony rides, petting, corral, train rides, etc.
  • Admission to the park included with reunion registration.

Continue reading “2013 – The Largest Family Reunion Ever”

Joseph and Lucy Mack Smith Family Values – Page 4



Religiosity can be classified into public and private.5 Public religiosity includes going to church, praying in public, social gatherings, service and outward charity. While private religiosity includes personal prayer and scripture study, a sense of relationship with deity and devotion to personal discipleship. Though modern studies link lower economic status with higher rates of religiosity they also show that higher rates of private religiosity increase a person’s capacity to manage conflict, rebound from crisis, and unify relationships regardless of one’s economic status. From a “values paradigm” it is perhaps beneficial to ascribe this to something more vital than a simple compensation for greater socio-economic conflicts.

Seen this way, religiosity becomes more than a coping mechanism or a behavior stemming from another value. The Smith Family’s relationship with their God seemed to grow more intimate and devoted with the passage of the generations, culminating in the sacrifices required, as they followed the course of their united religious movement referred to as “The Restoration” (stemming from young Joseph’s vision experience). In almost all modern analytical studies,6 a sense of higher purpose gives power to cope with difficulty and conflict and the resiliency to rebound again and again. But Religiosity seems to go beyond this.


It is the one value that seems to failsafe one’s efforts and desires to balance difficulty and success. All temporal things from houses to families, from jobs to portfolios, from possessions to positions, from churches to clergy are temporary in that they are vulnerable to failure, crisis, and frailty. When religiosity becomes the central value, all other values not only spring from it as part of their triad, but also find endurance through it. In linking one’s relationship with God to His infinite capacitating wisdom and purposes He becomes the stabilizing, non-corruptible center sourcing one’s strength, wisdom, intelligence, judgment, etc.


Joseph and Lucy Mack Smith Family Values – Page 3


As one can see, the family values of family work and recreation also become strategies for internalizing family cohesion. It is through meaningful time spent together, that bonds are formed. When family members engage in work that yields a mutual benefit, not only is communication time increased but also a sense of common purpose develops, as there is a sense of mutual help, synergy, and accomplishment. If on the other-hand the benefit is unilateral, resentment may develop. Youth may not be capable of appreciating the long-term or even near-term benefit of family work time without help. The value-triad can be of assistance; the parent works to make sense using language and examples that speak to the young person’s understanding and feeling levels. Then short term benefits can be provided for those with short attention spans, after short work periods, like points that can add up to purchasing power of something they already value such as items, food, time allowance, etc. will complete the triad and grow within the child the value of family work-time. A garden will benefit the family budget but if a child has nothing to do with paying the bills the benefit won’t seem mutual even with explanations. The Smith Family worked together for survival. When they struggled financially all family members felt the effects. The oldest, Alvin, eventually found that he had earning power through hiring-out that allowed him to return and contribute to a new family home, barn, etc. with the desire to help the family “live more comfortably, particularly his parents.”2 All family members caught this value of laboring together for the common good of the family thus binding them together in common purpose.

Just as family work increases the bonding time between family members so it is with recreation. So why should we separate them as values? In a work atmosphere the relationship between family members is generally hierarchical: teacher-student, boss-worker, oldest to youngest, biggest to smallest, etc. Though this time together is a valuable bonding and learning time, the natural relationship hierarchy can prove inhibitory as well. While work primarily bonds the minds, and yields a product, recreation bonds the hearts and strengthens relationships. Of course there is overlap and what one might call work another considers recreation or relaxation. For the hard-working survival-driven Smith family down-time included; reading, singing, wrestling, jumping at a mark, stick pulling, cooking, work bees, quilting, family gatherings, letter writing, going to town, hunting, shooting, mock battles, dances/balls, picnics, pie-suppers, husking bees, parties, community feasts, national and church celebrations, barn-raisings, sleigh-rides, etc. The unstructured, and inherently enjoyable nature of these activities served to bond the hearts, improve the minds, and physically strengthen the participants, thereby increasing family cohesion. Some activities were serendipitous while family participants carefully planned others.

The enemy of family cohesion will be conflict arising from both within and outside of the family. If a family member feels used, cheated, conned, injured or otherwise abused in any intra-family relationship, personal justice or fairness most likely will become the driving value. Inexperienced family members driven by reactive impulses will engage in fracturing behavior unless conflict resolution, as one of the behaviors of the cohesion triad, has also been caught as a value (including its accompanying skill-set). It becomes not only a value that has potential cohesive benefits but is also a means to the personal benefits of solution-thinking that satisfies the need for justice in the eyes of the offended.

Someone once noted, “Easy work is hard work, done late”. If conflicts are managed at the onset with cohesion as the motivating family value, then injury is prevented, avoiding the need to seek for justice. Add in the value of service/sacrifice, and the drive for justice can be transformed into a process rather than an event. For example: One sibling breaks another sibling’s cell phone. If the offended sibling values the relationship more than the phone and is willing to sacrifice immediate replacement while the other sibling repentantly accepts the responsibility to replace the phone, mercy will satisfy justice. That maturity won’t come naturally, but with time and consistent modeling, teaching, and experience it will grow and flourish under these shared family values.

Are there other skills that enable conflict management? We have noted that the willingness to sacrifice, and be patient are necessary values that all have thinking, feeling, and behavioral components.

As such, understanding that personal sacrifice is an investment rather than a loss changes the negative feelings associated with loss. The purposeful strategy, in which one then skillfully engages, enables long-term solutions. Results include enhanced cohesive relationships that bind family members together.

Patience likewise becomes a deferred gratification skill yielding valuable potential long-term benefits.

Though conditional relationships can lead to disappointments in the short-term, if cohesion, patience, and personal sacrifice are combined under the driving value of building other’s self-reliance then disappointment simply becomes a signal, calling for continued and different skills and effort. Part of the understanding component of the “building self-reliance in others” value is to understand that building others is a means of personal growth. Since building others always builds self in the long run, the feeling becomes that of a “get-to” attitude that enhances the relationship, even in the face of inadequacy, stubbornness, error, hurt, and loss. All intelligent beings are capable of growth when an effective influence strategy is discovered. When working to change or improve others, one must be willing to start with self-improvement. It is a behavior skill linked to the value of conflict management, and driven by the value of cohesion.

Even with the best conflict management skills, families can be overwhelmed when crisis occurs. Resiliency is a value that says, “We may be down but we are not done.” It includes the understanding that “failure is only an opportunity to start over with greater intelligence” (Henry Ford). Whether faced with “significant experiences or major life adjustments, such as emotional disturbances, unexpected changes, or major disruptive events (i.e., death, divorce, disabilities),”3 the question of resiliency is one of why some families recover while others “break down or disintegrate under the same circumstances.” What “characteristics, types, patterns, supports, strategies, and interaction with the community lead to family recuperation?”4 In our Smith family this process of financial failure, followed by starting over, was repeated with each move and each farm, from Vermont to New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois until there developed an “us against them” mentality that bonded them together even across the generations and long distances. Cousins continued, even in the face of religious disagreements, to visit each other, send money when needed, and communicate through letters. All of the values thus far discussed contribute to this deeply seated resilient nature of enduring families. That said, one additional value historically and statistically seemed to drive or at least enhance them all.


Joseph and Lucy Mack Smith Family Values – Page 2


I may understand the benefits of being honest to my self and the community but if I loved immediate profit more, and thought that I could get away with cheating or stealing, I would behave according to the profit value rather than the honesty value. Later when the thrill of acquisition was past and the need for trust became pressing, then being honest could eventually change the feeling component of my triangle sufficiently enough to generate honesty as a consistent personal value. This has been called “Values Clarification”. We often gain understanding, and thus learn to love a principle, in the study or practice of behavior consistent with the value. In the effort to impart values, it has been shown that values are better caught than taught.

This planting “family values” into young hearts becomes ever more challenging as the world gains direct access to budding appetites through media and technology. That so many would directly seek profits using methodologies that appeal to appetite stimulation, regardless of the moral side effects, creates significant opposition. Research has repeatedly shown that adopting key family values, as exemplified by our ancestral Smiths, can dramatically assist families in this vital contest for the minds and hearts of the rising generations and protect our children from the critical generational consequences. Modern family science research has identified several key common values in successful, cohesive families that, like good trees, have been judged by their fruits.

In an effort to appeal to a large extended family with diverse belief structures this report will rely on secular sources with well-studied findings. Since a modern family counselor cannot diagnose the cause and effect condition of a historical family through the interview process, this report will center on findings from historical research mostly using that of Dr. Kyle R. Walker. He specifically targets numerous historical accounts of an effective nineteen-century family. Fortunately for us, this family is ours – the Joseph and Lucy Mack Smith family. His doctoral thesis is published in “A Family Process Analysis of a Nineteenth-Century Household”. Quotations, unless otherwise noted, are taken from this thesis.

Families differ on so many levels that determining the success of one family as compared to another can seem like comparing mangoes to kiwis. But even diverse fruits can be judged by their nutritional value rather than their appearance. Though parental failure and success might be difficult to measure, there are well-studied characteristics and values, common to happy productive (measures of success) parents, children, and ensuing posterity. However, rendering a “failure judgment” also assumes that all efforts to assist family members towards becoming productive in society have ended, and that progress, or any hope of it, has ceased. Parents have not failed until they have given up, so a historical study can give valuable insights since the effects over several succeeding generations may be available.

From a well-established list of examined processes, characteristics and values, Dr. Walker identified six inter-related categories that were easily identifiable within historical records and don’t require an interview with the family to evaluate. These include cohesion (unity), conflict management (problem solving towards harmony), resiliency (ability to bounce back), religiosity (faith and works), family work, and family recreation (play, family together time, singing, discussion, etc.). On closer examination some of these could be defined as values while others seem to be strategies/behaviors used to implement the values. Perhaps that is because these values are so intertwined in creating successful families in that the behavioral aspect of one value becomes a strategy for implementing another.

It can be said for example, that a cohesive family is one that manages conflict effectively and is resilient after crises, and thereby successful. Though cohesion is itself a value, one can ask what values fuel cohesion and provide reproducible results in other families? Likewise, just as managing conflict and bouncing back are to be valued, they are also strategies towards cohesion. It can then be asked which management strategies are more measurably effective in both meeting stress and bouncing back from its culminating crises? For example, Dr. Walker noted that those families that valued religion (internally and externally) managed conflict and were resilient to life’s crises more effectively than those who were not religious. So though religious belief is a value it is also perhaps the “understanding-MIND” component that persuades family members to sacrifice personal benefits towards resolving conflict because they are motivated by a link to higher causes (More on this later.) Likewise family unity (a value) was enhanced as the family worked and played together – both values that served as cohesive strategies that enabled unity.

Though not strategically incorporated by our early Smith family as a result of any schooling, these specific strategies can be seen today as applicable for parents seeking direction in the ongoing battle for family effectiveness. For our purposes, we will call them Smith Family Values – though they were hardly exclusive to them.

Dr. Walker defines this value as an emotional bond between family members. In another study discussed by Dr. Randal A. Wright, this bond is amplified and strengthened when the parent is outwardly and verbally expressive.
This value produces a unified family where parents and siblings develop interpersonal communication, loyalty, service, and love. Today’s struggles with the realities of two-spouse employment, demanding children’s sports and lesson schedules, rising divorce rates, a variable economy, etc., family cohesion has been replaced with family survival. Which often degenerates into individual survival making family cohesion seem like a myth.

In the face of these realities one might ask if family cohesion is just old fashioned or if there are advantages that would help the parenting process, and secure the children into valued productivity. We note that many studies abound that show, for example, a young woman’s sense of security, modesty, self-esteem, etc. are all tied to her relationship with her father. Or, that a young man’s respect for girls and women, sufficient to over-ride his budding hormonal saturation, is aided by the respect manifest in the relationship between his mother and father. Children’s willingness to listen to others or share personal property develops through being listened to by non-judgmental parents who they see making personal sacrifices to provide for them. Their first lessons on charity, sacrifice, community service, and other cultural strengthening behaviors, which in the future will make them valued citizens, are learned in a cohesive family. If parents value family togetherness and unity (heart, mind, and strength) then children catch that value, for values are better caught through experience than taught with words!
Father and Mother Smith caught cohesion as a value from their parents. Asael Smith not only exemplified this value in his parenting but also spoke and wrote about it as he could see his life ending. He wrote:

…know one another. Visit as you may each other, comfort, counsel, relieve, succor, help and admonish one another… Join together to help one another. 1

The Mack family story includes successive sisters tending each other’s sick-bed over extended periods, brothers sharing large sums of money with sisters, etc.
The Joseph and Lucy Smith family history is rich with stories where this cohesive relationship was extremely self-sacrificing and binding. When one person struggled, all struggled with them. They were a very unified family, which allowed them to accomplish all that continues to influence millions for good today.

Perhaps a modern parent struggling with the common teenage desires to be with friends rather than family might ask, “What behaviors might encourage cohesiveness or unity?” Dr. Walker includes four different models used to measure family status. To augment a family’s cohesion-value parents might add the following connected behaviors: goal sharing; expressiveness; intra-family service/sacrifice; “work, play, and worshipping together-time”; building others; listening; self-reliance; solution-thinking; justice; mercy; patience; etc.

To summarize this value, one might visualize again a possible component triad:

values_image_2.gifWith consistency over time the value of family cohesion will be caught and lived as a natural consequence of the resulting lifestyle.
