Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of Moroni’s visit to Joseph Smith Jr. – September 21-22, 2023
Smith Family gathered in Palmyra, New York on Thursday, September 14 to produce a video to share as a family, celebrating the 200th Anniversary of Moroni appearing to young Joseph Smith.
The Smith Family is the core family of the restoration. The Prophet Joseph’s work could never have been done by him alone. It became a family responsibility. They not only shared in its glorious events, but they suffered persecution, abuse, imprisonment and even death. All these things seemed to strengthen their testimonies. Each family member believed Joseph’s work was of God. Following is a short, but representative compilation of Book of Mormon testimonies, borne by Smith family members. On the 200th anniversary of Moroni’s first visit to the Prophet Joseph, it is appropriate that we pause and be reminded that each family member knew and testified that it was true. Their testimonies reflect our ancestor’s deep faith and devotion. There are many more that could have been published. There are many, many more that were unspoken. Hopefully, you will become acquainted with their testimonies. Hopefully your children, grandchildren and generations to come will become acquainted with their testimonies. As you learn, teach and share, your testimonies will grow. You will gain a greater appreciation for the price that was paid by the whole Smith family at the beginning of this work. We pray that these testimonies will build our faith and cause us to follow in their footsteps.
Testimonies from the Smith Family of the Book of Mormon
Moroni Celebration Talk by Daniel Adams
An Angel From On High – arrangement by Claire Nabrotzky
(Add some fun when you sit down to watch the Moroni Celebration by enjoying some angel food cake on golden plates or dishes.)