By Joy Ercanbrack
In architecture, an arch represents strength and support. This reunion arch beautifully illustrates, the strength of our Smith heritage and support we can lend one another as family now.
Our family story officially began January 24, 1796, when Lucy Mack married Joseph Smith. The heart at the center is for them and the love they have for each one of you, their dear grandchildren.
How many lilac blossoms can you count in the second arch? Lilacs are a favorite flower in the Smith family. The blossoms represent all eleven children born to Joseph and Lucy.
Seven bands of our arch represent the seven children who have living posterity. Is your great grandma Katharine or Lucy? Maybe your great grandpa is Don Carlos, William, Samuel, Joseph Jr., or Hyrum. The band width and mix of styles is an example of how Smith siblings love each other through thick and thin. Differences do not divide us. Instead we become a more beautiful and loving family.
The vine represents each new branch of the Smith family tree. Grandma Lucy would be delighted to see us all working together in the family garden, knowing the fruits of our labor include far more than just vegetables to harvest. Perhaps this band of leaves will remind you of the old willow tree growing behind the mansion house. Imagine having picnics with cousins in the shade or finding a quiet place under its branches for prayer.
Celebrating fifty years since Smith reunions began again in Nauvoo 1972, this arch also represents the span of generations past to present. In 1863, Joseph III said he could see “…the dawning of a day when the sons of our fathers will stand shoulder to shoulder … as stood our fathers in bygone days.”
Arches often remind us of rainbows which direct us to lift our eyes toward heaven and remember God’s promises. This week you will learn more about the promised blessings to the Smith family and perhaps make promises of your own. Our family friend, Karl Anderson taught at a previous reunion in Nauvoo, as you draw close to our Savior, you will grow close to Joseph, Hyrum, and each of the other children of Joseph Sr. and Lucy Mack. He said, “I know that the work they tried to do is establish firmly the restoration of God’s Kingdom on earth. … That is what they were all about. It is true. It came from heaven through the Smith family.”