From the 1985 Smith Family Reunion News: “Matriarch Lucy Mack clearly pointed out in her writings that her family possessed close family ties and had a divine destiny. Patriarch Joseph Smith Sr., recognizing his wife to be “one of the most singular women in the world,” told her, “You have brought up my children for me by the fireside, and when I was gone from home, you comforted them.”

in 1863, Joseph III said he could see “…the dawning of a day when the sons of our fathers will stand shoulder to shoulder…as stood our fathers in bygone days.”

Service Project – Nauvoo Smith Family Gardens

Some August 4-6, 2022 Reunion Highlights:
- Pickup your registration Thursday evening and meet and greet your cousins.
- Join with the family at the tents by the Nauvoo House.
- Participate in the service project—working in the new Smith Family Gardens by the Mansion House.
- Honor Father and Mother Smith with the family wreath memorial.
- Sign up to participate in a family archeological experience with iDig Nauvoo.
- Enjoy the homecooked barbeque dinner arranged by Doug Smith and Bob Smith and sponsored by the Samuel Smith Family.
- Smile for the traditional Smith Family Reunion Group Photo.
- Gather for the banquet and program at the Nauvoo Stake Center.
Purchase Price before July 5th:
$60 – Adult Registration
$45 – 10 and younger
Free for 2 and under