Joseph F. Smith

By Mary Donoho

Have you had a chance to visit the Joseph F. Smith website yet? Just go to and browse around, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by all the great information that you can access there. Jared Glade is the website coordinator and has done a fantastic job of making information available.

We have also added downloadable files for all the descendants of Joseph F. Smith. After you have downloaded the information check to make sure you are included. Then check to see if there are any inaccuracies in our data. If you have any additions or corrections to make write to me and we will get it entered properly. We know we are missing some of you and want to make it complete. My email address is and my home address is Mary Donoho, 1090 Raymond Road, Fruit Heights, Utah 84037-2250. I would love to hear from you!

At the Joseph F. Smith reunion this year we had a most informative and delightful presentation by Richard Holzapfel, who showed us many slides of Joseph F. Smith that have never been published before. His book: Joseph F. Smith: Portrait of a Prophet by Richard Neitzel Holzapfel co-written with R. Q. Shup is available at Deseret Book.

We mourn the passing of Elaine Nichols in July of this past year. She has, without a doubt, done more for gaining genealogical information and keeping records of the Smith Family then any other person. She is greatly missed. We are grateful for the heritage she has left us.

The Mary Fielding and John Smith home and Joseph F. Memorial Grove at the “This is The Place” State Park were finished and stand beautifully overlooking the Salt Lake valley. Several family members completed these wonderful historic monuments with donations from the family and much work: Thank you!!!
