- Registration begins at 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.
The traditional “Meet and Greet” is from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
- Name-tags will need to be picked up on Thursday to use throughout the reunion.
- The scholarship winners will be announced.
- New findings from the research on the Joseph Smith Daguerreotype will be presented.
Nauvoo Reunion: 25th Anniversary of Cemetery Dedication
The 2016 Reunion marks 25 years since the Smith Family Nauvoo Cemetery was improved, beautified, and dedicated. It also means that for the last 25 years, Smith family members have helped pay for cemetery maintenance and upkeep. What a blessing it is for us to care for this hallowed ground and honor our beloved ancestors. Each year many thousands visit our sacred family cemetery. Meet your Smith family cousins this year in Nauvoo for a wonderful reunion that includes socializing, presentations, historical insights, sightseeing, service projects, food, and fun!
Register online at www.JosephSmithSr.org/reunion/registration