Nauvoo, Illinois – August 6-9

Thursday night, August 6, the family gathered to meet cousins and enjoy an informal evening of visiting along with a delicious ice cream social.

August 7th, the family met for the group photo on the lawn of Joseph and Emma Smith’s Homestead. As everyone gathered to create this lasting memory, fun was had visiting and embracing as they “came home.”
Directions and instructions were given by Lach Mackay before the family began their service project at the Nauvoo Smith Family Cemetery. Such a feeling of peace and gratitude followed the family as they worked with their hands in the very soil serving as the resting place for the Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith Family and friends.
At the same time as the service project, Vivian Adams shared stories under the tent by the Red Brick Store. In the afternoon, a family barbeque, hosted by the Samuel Smith family, also took place by the tent to the side of the Red Brick Store.
Saturday morning was open for tours in Nauvoo and Carthage, Illinois where Joseph and his brother Hyrum were martyred. The family returned to Nauvoo and enjoyed dinner with a presentation from Vocal Point. After the clean up, the reunion group held an evening session which included a family choir.