Salt Lake City, Utah – August 2-5

The get acquainted reception and registration took place in the Nauvoo Room of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building on Thursday night, August 2.
The next morning the family heard welcoming speeches, oral presentations and a special display of the original Book of Mormon manuscript. Then after touring and visiting the group enjoyed a picnic on the ground of the LDS Branch Meetinghouse at Brighton. This gathering in the Big Cottonwood Canyon was a peaceful setting to enjoy each others company. After the picnic some entertainment was presented in the adjoining redecorated and refurbished Brighton Meetinghouse Cultural Hall.
Saturday morning there were more speakers presenting topics of interest. Then the family portrait was taken in the chapel. That evening (August 4) the family enjoyed a banquet on the 26th Floor Reception Center at the top of the Church Office Building. Here the view incorporated the entire Salt Lake Valley, surrounding mountain ranges, and the Great Salt Lake. Immediately following the banquet, the family attended a special performance of “The Testaments of One Fold and One Shepherd” in the Joseph Smith Memorial Theater.

Sunday the group were invited to attend the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Broadcast. After which, in the Assembly Hall on Temple Square the family met to attend a closing reunion production of Rob Gardner’s, Joseph Smith the Prophet.