Salt Lake City, Utah – August 3-6

The thirteenth gathering since 1972 took place in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building and on historic Temple Square. The last time the family met in Utah was 1989.
Registration and the get acquainted reception took place in the main lobby of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, formerly the Hotel Utah, just east of Temple Square. Following the reception the participants were invited to attend a rehearsal of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. The 375-voice choir performed in front of the towering pipes of the world famous Tabernacle Organ.
Friday the family watched a special film called, The Sons of the Martyrs. Then in the afternoon some time was given to sightsee before the evening old-fashioned picnic on the grounds of the LDS Branch Meetinghouse at Brighton, located in Big Cottonwood Canyon.
Saturday morning the family photo was taken in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building Chapel before the morning meeting. In the evening a catered banquet was held on the 26th Floor Reception Center.
Sunday morning the family was invited to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir broadcast. Afterward, the family met and watched a musical program featuring compositions of Lorena H. Normandeau, great-grand daughter of Joseph Smith Jr.