The Times and Seasons said of Lucy Mack Smith, “She was the mother of eleven children, seven of whom were boys. She raised them in the fear and love of God, and never was there a more obedient family. She warned parents that they were accountable for their children’s conduct; advised them to give them books and work to keep them from idleness, and never to do in secret, what they would not do in the presence of millions.” (Lucy Mack Smith, conference address, October 8, 1845, Times and Seasons, vol. 6 (1845), p. 1014.)
Shall we not go on in so great a cause?
This year we are reflecting on the Smith family’s desire to study and learn together. In honor of that, all the proceeds will go to a non-profit organization for Early Childhood Development and Education for Displaced Children.
What is the price of the medals for a group?
Janet Smedley
We are interested in the medals for our family group.
How do we connect to discuss or what is the method to order them?
Jon Staples
If I have already registered for one of these activities am I also registered for the broadcast on the 26th? I don’t see another place to click for the broadcast.
Please send me a link for the broadcast of the 26th of Oct, celebrating 200 yr since the first vision of Joseph Smith the Prophet. I would like to invite my ward in Paris, TX to listen to the broadcast.