“Never lose sight of those who laid the groundwork and built the paths that have led to light and truth that has now been available to those who would be willing to seek it and find it, embrace it and join it,” President Ballard said when he dedicated the monument in May 2022.
In 2020, the Ensign Peak Foundation* placed a 14,000 pound obelisk granite monument in the Pine Grove Cemetery in Topsfield, home to five generations of Smiths: Robert, a 14–year–old indentured servant who immigrated to America; Samuel, Samuel II, Asael, and Joseph Smith Sr.
In 1873 George A. Smith placed a monument honoring the two Samuels. The new monument updates and expands historical information.
Family members joined civic and religious leaders and friends at the dedication and attended the Topsfield Congregational Church.
*A private company dedicated to preserving and hallowing sacred sites.