This Spring (2023), Phase II of the creation of the Joseph Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith Family Garden has begun. Seedlings of heirloom flowers and vegetables have been chosen and germinated. Volunteers will begin planting as the temperature warms. Plants will be arranged using the three-sister gardening method developed in the 1800s. Some of the garden beds will use a rain garden elevation landscape. Vegetables were chosen based upon what was historically used by the early settlers of Nauvoo, Illinois.
Upon completion, the garden will be something that would make “Mother Smith” and all of the founding women of Nauvoo proud.

In August of 2022, with the combined efforts of many volunteers — most of which were attendees of the Joseph Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith Family Reunion — Phase I was completed.
The construction process included building a spilt-log fence, and staining a picket fence that was then installed around the hotel wing of the Joseph and Emma Smith Mansion House.
The garden is a tribute to the founding family of the restoration — Joseph Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith and their children. They, with many stalwart families transformed a swamp land into a city that was more like a “garden of gardens.”
The founding settlers loved this bustling haven and worked together to make it beautiful. They planted gardens and shared in its bounty.
Joseph Smith Senior emphasized the importance of sustaining “family and friends.” It was a favorite motto of his. The purpose for building this garden is to promote that legacy of strengthening family, friends, and community.

Through the ANS Legacy Foundation, donations can be made toward the Smith Family Gardens. The ANS Legacy foundation is a 501(3)(c) operational non-profit organization, and 100% of all donations go toward the project.
You can choose specific items to donate. There are also opportunities to volunteer at various times of the year. To learn how you can help with this project, click on our donations or volunteer link.