For health and safety concerns we are making the 5K a virtual race. This new format is actually more fitting with the goal of “Go to the Grove” because we are celebrating the world-changing event that Joseph Smith made 200 years ago. He went to the grove by himself to ask a question. The answer has changed the world.
Each reunion year we are excited to do a service project that will help and improve the world we live in and have Joseph’s name known for good. This year, our project reflects our theme of the 2020 Vision Celebration. In honor of the miraculous event 200 years ago, we have chosen to donate to Vision Care. This organization helps “volunteer ophthalmologists assist medical care providers around the world with training and equipment to treat simple vision problems.” The Go to the Grove Virtual 5K raises funds that the Smith Family will donate to honor the good that began with Joseph Smith’s First Vision.
- Register soon. We have extended the deadline to May 11. (
- You will receive a t-shirt and a collector’s medal in the mail.
- Run or walk a 5K whenever and wherever you can before October 2020.
- Get someone to take a picture of you running or do a 5K selfie.
- Record and report your time if you would like a chance at winning a prize.

This is wonderful!!! I love this idea! I already have a t-shirt from a precious family reunion 5 K done a few years ago. Can I just use that tshirt and use the resources to go to the vision care instead?
You exhibit the spirit of this whole event and I am grateful you will participate. I will privately message you.