Some Conclusions:
1. The Foundation has assets thanks to the donations of many who love the Smith Family. We guard these as sacred
funds that provide interest income over the years with which we can manage our family stewardship.
2. Those who manage the investments have done well, providing $3,565.00 of interest income this past year.
3. Bonds mature and must be sold and replaced. The cost of doing so through brokerage fees and increased face value
account for the difference in the $10,221 liquidated and the $12,471 purchased and the $175 fee.
4. Maintaining the cemetery for visitors to learn about and enjoy our family’s heritage is both a sacred family
stewardship and expensive. During most years the interest from the investments pays for the cemetery maintenance.
5. Family newsletter addresses total to around 5,000. If dues were paid only by those addresses the total cash fund
available could be $75,000.00 annually. We could either lower dues or use the fund to do more good for our own
family as indicated in the first article. Many projects stand only as dreams due to insufficient resources since less
than ten percent of the family contribute to through dues. This report only shows $110.00 for the last quarter of
2003. If annualized it would only come to $440.00 for all of 2003.
6. All of us on the Board and on the correlation committee spend our own additional moneys to purchase software, send
correspondence, and make phone calls, etc in the search for family members. Some have spent thousands to publish
books with no hope for return on investment. Theirs is a labor tied to the vision that the Smith Family Values can
serve as a powerful solution to the growing problems that vex our world and especially our families.